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Now I have tried to get the loop working , but I can hear the water flushing in the pomp but when I look at the slangen theres only water halfway thru them. The slang from the reservoir which is going to the pomp seems to be almost empty. Thought I knew how to connect a water cooling system but I doubt myself now hehe.
Reservoir is connected on the back of the case. Pomp on the case floor and radiator on the front. I have filled up the reservoir almost full. Maybe theres something wrong with the pomp or I didnt connect the slangen to the correct spots? I maybe need a full explanation...I feel like a noob now haha. (I have read the advices you have here on the forum)
I kind of get your situation, but if possible, a picture would be so much more helpful. When debugging, pictures truly say more than a thousand words .
Ok heres my darling hehe. Well it looks like a mess I know, but I just want to try the loop and see if theres any leaking. So its not completed yes.
The radiator is on the rechts side on the front. Maybe hard to see were all the slangen goes.
My reservoir has 4 in/out puts. I use the ones on the bottom/lower.
On the pomp I use the in/out on the side\front which you should be able to see on the pictures.
Also I think I will get myself a better case. Maybe You nice people can give me a good advice on a new case too? It has to fit all my things good. Prize dont matter.
I use a metal pin between the green and black on the atx power supply just to make it run the water loop. Not the MB itself.
Looks like the pump is pumping in the reservoir? The pumptop's middle connection is where the water should enter the pump.
In this situation the pump gets no water when you fill the reservoir. I think if you switch the connections on the pump it will go better.
edit: If you switch the pumpconnections; also switch the connections on the CPU block.
(pump ---> CPU ----> radiator ---> reservoir )
Now I have placed the reservoir on the case back floor. Still not good flow, maybe slightly better. Atleast the slang is more straight now. Looks like the pomp is trying to get water from the reservoir and then flow it to the cpublock but its weak. Dont know what to do now.
Also I think I will get myself a better case. Maybe You nice people can give me a good advice on a new case too? It has to fit all my things good. Prize dont matter.
Now im writing from my OWN computer WITH WC Ive just connected everything like its supposed to be. It all works very nice. Almost 10 degrees cooler then before. Im at 3,7 ghz atm, but now I can go higher.
Ill get more cash and get more moddings and a nice new case (from Highflow ofc!). Think I need a new one cuz some cables and things are abit to tight imo.
So once again DANK U WEL for all the help and advice You gave me!
Im back and now Im going to order the Silverstone TJ07BW Also Im going to change my slangen to 13mm. But is it Tygon R3603 - HighFlow - 1/2 ID - 3/4 OD - Clear or is it Tygon R3603 - HighFlow - 1/2 ID - 5/8 OD - Clear I should buy? The bigger the better? Then Ill need the correct fittings for it. Wanna have the clear slang so I can use UV liquid and UV licht to it.
Maybe this is a bit crazy cuz Ive had the WC for just a week or so, but I really wanna get a better case so I can get cables and such in a more nice setup.