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| BIP | Project Subi | Personal Case | PCFixerLimburg


Buildlog | Part 01 | Introduction...
By Subarist

1.1 Name of mod:
"Project Subi"

1.2. Whats the idea?
It has been a looooong time since i made a case mod. The last time I actually started to build one is almost 12 years ago. I remember that didn't turned out as i expected and failed to resume. I only hope that isn't the case in 2020. I'm being honest here as I say that I'm a bit anxious. But I'm going to go for it anyway. The idea is simple. Subaru themed. There isn't any. Trust me I looked for it. I'm going to start off pretty simple (and safe) with my build and a case I'd rather not demolish. Colors going to be blue and carbon black. And I'm still not finished with this idea. Am I going for acrylic tubes, which I ordered anyway? Or am I going for the copper of titanium mesh? First things first, the subaru is known for its horizontal pistons. So im thinking of two Reservoirs mounted horizontal on a 10-degree angle. Lots of thinking has to be done! Maybe you guys can help me out during the build.

For my "Subi project" case mod I will use a Thermaltake Core P5 case as a base. Not sure if I'm going to cut it open or not. Idea is still in progress. The hardware ill be using is based on the render needs and a better and faster working progress when using my photographic software like Adobe. I will edit this part for parts later on. I'm also thinking of using a real car radiator in combination with a second p5 case in a much further stage. Further i want to thank Highflow for their service and kind words.

Taking the mod part for parts
- All parts will be listed here.

*This post will be altered during the progress until the project is |FIN| (finished) and the ideas are finalized.
** I reserved some slots because I think it's a nice read and people can comment afterwards. If its against the forums policy, let me know, so I can change my buildlog strategy
Laatst bewerkt:
Buildlog | Part 02 | Modelling...

Part two is trying to figure out which bends I'm going to use. Am I going for the simple straight forward bends or are we going for creativity. People like me that have the ADHD package at all times available do like creativity. So I'm planning to go trough holes that aren't meant for tubes to go through. Why would I only use one side of this amazing case? As I said before, I like tubing. And I'm not sure if I keep this model that I'm sketching or going around. Maybe slap a car radiator on the backside. I'm not sure yet. Another idea is using copper wireing for all of the cables. Another idea is using plumming materials to go around the case. As of now I'm still in the creation phase. I'm guessing the big box with a weight of 25 kilos arrive Friday. Before that happens I need to take pictures of my hardware, my build, my happy face and probably a time-lapse while we at it. So i need to hurry the f**k up and get this build started! Did i mentioned im a photographer? Well i am, so you can expect some serious imaging. Perfection needs time. Hope you are up for the challenge!3d modelling loop.jpg
Laatst bewerkt:
Buildlog Project Subi | Part 03| Switching Gears...
I never thought I'd say this but I have to switch my plans. When the doorbell sounded I walked to the door, bit annoyed who is disturbing me on my coffee break, open the door and who's standing there on the other side? The mailman! WHOO!!!! So more unboxing of the Alphacool products and taking some images of the kind of impressive stuff they developed. I know my last build, as f***ed up as it was, this radiator is twice the size, so is the pump. And those fittings look gorgeous!! So, a few pics, then I'm going to make myself a pizza, and were on, building the P5 case!

IM HAPPY AS A 5 YEAR OLD KID WITH SANTACLAUS! WHOOOO!subi buildlog 1-0281.jpgsubi buildlog 1-0284.jpgsubi buildlog 1-0296.jpgSTOKED!!subi buildlog 1-0292.jpg
Laatst bewerkt:
Buildlog Project Subi | Part 04 | Its just a case of patience...

As we had a little setback with the case due to incomplete packaging i just went forward because a few missing screws doesn't stop me from continue the path I'm following. The case was straightforward but I had some struggles. It took quite some time to build this thing and told myself that when technology evolves, so are the components. That's not my fault I can't keep up! I also remembered why I like assembling computers. It's a joy working with parts. Looking trough the manuals. Having a blast! The first thing that comes to mind are those RGB wires. I might regret already that i chose fot an RGB CPU water block. Yes I want those fancy lights, but with those lights come cables. And I want this monster to be tight as my wife's..... yea you get the idea.... Anyhow, the challenge is accepted to get those pesky wires out of the way and make sure they work. Thank god for Highflow and their way to present their stuff. With everything you buy online, there's a manual you can download next to the profduct. I don't get it why some companies think we can do this without instructions. Sure! I want to mess up my expensive gear by not correctly installing my watercooling system. Personally i REALY like the way how Alphacool created this block. The combination of Plexiglas with nickel plated copper and touch of black realy suits my system. I was thinking of getting the black one, but most of the case is black. And the mirror effect will create nice effects later on!

Oh wel, today im continuing my work, taking pictures, making a timelapse and do some unboxing videos for this build. Don't mind me, having fun like a kid on christmas!
subi buildlog 2-0358.jpgsubi buildlog 2-0405.jpgsubi buildlog 2-0409.jpgsubi buildlog 2-0419.jpgsubi buildlog 2-0427.jpgsubi buildlog 2-0446.jpg
Laatst bewerkt:
Buildlog | Part 05 | Bending over...
At this point everything is new to me, I never bended acrylic tubes before but I've seen so many YouTube videos. I just going to try and see how this is going to end. Wish me luck! This stage is not reached yet!
Buildlog Project Subi | Part 03| Switching Gears...
I never thought I'd say this but I have to switch my plans. When the doorbell sounded I walked to the door, bit annoyed who is disturbing me on my coffee break, open the door and who's standing there on the other side? The mailman! WHOO!!!! So more unboxing of the Alphacool products and taking some images of the kind of impressive stuff they developed. I know my last build, as f***ed up as it was, this radiator is twice the size, so is the pump. And those fittings look gorgeous!! So, a few pics, then I'm going to make myself a pizza, and were on, building the P5 case!

IM HAPPY AS A 5 YEAR OLD KID WITH SANTACLAUS! WHOOOO!Bekijk bijlage 23551Bekijk bijlage 23552Bekijk bijlage 23554STOKED!!Bekijk bijlage 23553
Nice pictures!
Ill just post an update like this, because you won't get updated if I alter a post. Might miss a few things... Anyhow, this is my progress by now. Half assembled Core 5. It was kinda a struggle as I'm not used to this anymore. The hours passed really fast. Last time I touched my build it was 03:00 am. To make sure no son of mine was going to touch my expensive rig I made sure that watching only was allowed. I also noticed the space in between the motherboards CPU and the GPU is considerably smaller. I don't think I can make those crazy bends. I have those big power wire where i simulate the bends. I wonder if this is going to pass.

CRAP! Wrong GPU block, and wrong GFX card. Yes I ordered the wrong GPU water block which means I have to wait until the funds are capable of buying a new GFX card or a water block that fits the EK rx5700 xt complete cover. So I'm now kinda mad that i didn't see this trough. I thought a 5700xt water block fits all 5700xt series GPU card. I can tell you now, NO it doesn't! [insert swearing dictionary here] I rather switch the GPU water cooling rather than the GFX card. But the card has been opened which has no warranty anymore so yes, I am kinda upset hahaha! If there's a water block for the Asrock RX5700 XT Challenger D 8GB (vendor code: 90-GA18ZZ-00UANF) let me know if not, I'm selling this unused video card here for a tad smaller price then anywhere else for a brand new, never used, but opened GFX card.
Helaas moet ik het project even aan de kant zetten tot ik een passende GPU bij mijn watercooling project heb. Ik zal later nog even wat fotos plaatsen. Ik heb helaas ook in de verpakking een beschadigde radiator gevonden. Helaas moet je er zo achter komen. voortaan Highflow only! Wat een gezeik!
Fase 1 is compleet! Het systeem staat. de bedoeling is dat er nog 4 fangrills komen met de letters S. U. B. I. En waarschijnlijk ga ik de case alsnog verzagen omdat ik al die gaten en alles niets vindt plus om het nog meer auto gerelateerd te laten overkomen wil ik mogelijk aan de andere kant een autoradiator plaatsen. Of iets in die vorm. Ook zijn de tubes niet recht, links en rechts een knikje en is het niet symmetrisch. Genoeg om nog te doen!

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