Jaja! Vanavond het WWDC!
Ik zal jullie op de hoogte houden van iCloud, iOS en Mac OSX Lion!
Added after 48 minutes:
Hier zal ik laten zien wat er op het WWDC wordt verteld!:
1:01PM Steve Jobs is on the stage!
1:01PM Lights coming down, crowd is amped. Here we go!
Een groot applaus voor Steve, omdat hij ondanks zijn ziekte, hier toch staat!
1:03PM "If the hardware is the brain and the sinew of the product, the software in the middle is the soul."
Paul Schiller komt op, deze man weet alles over Mac OSX. op deze foto is te zien hoe mager Steve wel niet is.
Paul haalt even uit naar MS!:
1:05PM Year-over-year, the PC has shrunk 1%, while the Mac has grown 28%, and out-grown the industry every quarter for the last five years.
1:06PM "They're great not just because of the hardware, but because of the software they run."
OSX Lion:
Nieuwe functie: Mission Control.
Geen scrollbars meer. alleen als je daadwerkelijk scrolt.
De Mac Appstore: Nummertje in qua verkoop:
Ze gaan richting de iOS stil met Lion.
Nieuwe Functie: Autosave.
Lion saved automatisch je document.
Oude versie's kunnen makkelijk worden teruggelezen!
1:29PM Phil says this is a replacement for Sneakernet: i.e. using a thumb drive and running it over to a friend. Peer-to-peer sharing.
1:30PM Go into AirDrop and you'll see all the other users who are running AirDrop. To share a file, just drop a file onto the user in question. They then receive a notification and, hey presto, file exchanged.
Lion alleen beschikbaar in de Mac App store, niet meer op de CD.
4 GB download bestand, en slechts $29.99!
WORD AANGEPAST!, ik post alleen de belangenrijke dingen!
14 maanden tijd, 25 miljoen iPads verkocht! "beat That, copycats!"
Zoals verwacht: Notificatie's:"
1:46PM Swipe down and you get a big list -- yeah, it looks like Android.
En wederom uithalen naar de concurentie:
Nieuwe Feature: Reminders:
1:58PM That one got an "oooh," from the crowd. Lots of folks apparently ignoring their honey-do lists to be here today.
Camera shortcut @lockscreen!
het scherm kan meer duim vriendeliijk worden gemaakt:
2:06PM It makes things a little more thumb-friendly on the iPad if you weren't blessed with freakishly-long fingers.
PC Free!
2:07PM Huge applause for that one. Nobody likes cables up in this house.
2:07PM Next feature: PC Free. We're cutting the cable here, folks.
Over the air Boys!
2:10PM "iOS is the most popular gaming platform on the planet. There are more than 100,000 game and entertainment titles in the App Store."
2:10PM "In just 9 months we have 50 million Game Center users. To put that into perspective Xbox Live has been around for about eight years and they have around 30 million users."
2:12PM New messaging service between all iOS users, regardless of device.
2:13PM Supports iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Lets you send text messages, photos, videos, contacts, and even do group messaging.
2:17PM That's 10 of the 200+ new features that are coming, including AirPlay mirroring, letting you mirror your entire iPad right to the TV -- wirelessly.
2:19PM "iOS 5 will ship to all of our customers this fall."
2:19PM It'll support all the same devices as last time, basically starting with the iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPad 2, plus the third and fourth generation of iPod touch.
Waar is de iPhone 4"?
op naar:
2:24PM The MobileMe apps have been re-written from the "ground up" to work on the iCloud.
2:24PM "Now why should I believe them? They're the ones who brought me MobileMe." Hah! Steve just called MobileMe "not our finest hour."