Hoe worden Touch Screens nou eigenlijk gemaakt?
1. You touch the screen at a certain place.
2. Depending on the technology, you either disrupt an electrical current or you create a voltage difference, allowing an electrical signal to be generated.
3. A sensor picks up this electrical signal.
4. The original signal is collected by the sensor and sent to the processor in its raw form.
5. The processor interprets the signal as a touch and starts to clean the raw data of any "noise".
6. Once cleaned, the processor then moves on to interpret where on the screen the touch was and determine exact coordinates.
7. These coordinates are sent to the software you're trying to use to determine where the "click" will be.
And there you have it - for something that is relatively complicated, it's amazing how easily it has invaded our everyday lives, making everything from phones to refrigerators easy to manipulate.