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(heb wat moeite een GTX 480 review te vinden, maar de 470 vergelijkt ook toch
Wat ik wel kan vinden over de 480 variant is dat ondanks de standaard hogere clocks de prestaties nauwelijk hoger uitkomen, maar de "power consumption" des te meer.
(wat zijn er trouwens veel letterlijk dezelfde reviews op internet, ze kunnen ook niks meer zelf testen tegenwoordig)

EVGA GeForce GTX 470 Superclocked+ Review - Page 15To us, EVGA has more than accomplished what they set out to do with this card and while the temperature changes don’t quite hit that claimed 7 degree mark, they are pretty darn close. These aren’t the most optimal conditions since the Gigabyte Aurora isn’t exactly what we would call a modern case but in the coming weeks we intend to redo all of our GPU temperature testing in a more suitable enclosure.
(heb wat moeite een GTX 480 review te vinden, maar de 470 vergelijkt ook toch
Wat ik wel kan vinden over de 480 variant is dat ondanks de standaard hogere clocks de prestaties nauwelijk hoger uitkomen, maar de "power consumption" des te meer.
The overclock doesn’t come cheap in terms of power consumption. The Superclocked+ pushes a whopping 401W at full throttle (that’s the full system power usage), as compared to the Radeon HD 5870 XXX Edition’s 290W. But that’s really the only place the Radeon wins: A one frame-per-second advantage Crysis is essentially a tie. While the card does suck watts from your power supply as if from a fire hose, the noise levels didn’t hit Dustbuster-like levels, probably due to the larger venting in the back panel.
Similarly, the Asus card, which is a stock card running at reference clocks “wins” a couple of benchmark rounds, but those are also essentially ties. Besides, those particular benchmarks are CPU bound at 1920x1200 with 4x AA enabled. So we’re finally hitting the point where a card with a single GPU is hitting the CPU wall with some recent generation titles.

(wat zijn er trouwens veel letterlijk dezelfde reviews op internet, ze kunnen ook niks meer zelf testen tegenwoordig)