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Site Maintenance Downtime

All right thanks.
Is it hard to install the games?

Last requests for tonight:

Postbit looks kinda messy (don't if it's the postbit).
On the right side of user info, where this is viewed:
Registration date
Is there a way to tidy this?

Copywright also a mess haha (you already told me :))

In video there this button:

It's German :D Do you have this in English or Dutch?

Does PhotoPost and/or Video also have a Dutch language pack?

When going to video page from gallery page, it gives this error message:
[B]Warning[/B]: require(/home/highflow.nl/public_html/forum/gallery/video.php) [[URL="http://www.highflow.nl/forum/gallery/videos/function.require"][COLOR=#0066cc]function.require[/COLOR][/URL]]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [B]/home/highflow.nl/public_html/forum/vbseo.php[/B] on line [B]1470[/B]

[B]Fatal error[/B]: require() [[URL="http://www.highflow.nl/forum/gallery/videos/function.require"][COLOR=#0066cc]function.require[/COLOR][/URL]]: Failed opening required '/home/highflow.nl/public_html/forum/gallery/video.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in [B]/home/highflow.nl/public_html/forum/vbseo.php[/B] on line [B]1470
So the weird part is, the error is only their when opening the video page from the gallery page.

I'm going to get some sleep, 01:00 here. Talk to you tomorrow!
Laatst bewerkt:
16. umm.. yes it does. but all of them are important info. Maximum, you can remove those thanks count.

17. Fixed.

18. nope, no english. there's no PSD otherwise i would have done it.

19. Searched a lot, but there's no dutch pack for both. Hey, it isn't very hard to create a lang pack, you just need to translate a phrase one by one, takes time though.

20. Fixed.
16. Is there a mod, which uses a dropdownlist for the postbit?

19. Xelation want to translate :) Which file should I sent him or should he do it in the admin panel?

21. I'm getting this database error:
[SIZE=3]Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0 Release Candidate 1:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Invalid SQL:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]                  select s.*, u.username, u.displaygroupid, u.usergroupid, u.userid, o.*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]                  from infernoshout s[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]                  left join user u on (u.userid = s.s_user)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]                  left join infernoshoutusers o on (o.s_user = s.s_user)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]                  order by s.s_time desc limit 0,20;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]MySQL Error   : Table 'highflow-2.infernoshout' doesn't exist[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Error Number  : 1146[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Request Date  : Friday, December 5th 2008 @ 11:25:44 AM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Error Date    : Friday, December 5th 2008 @ 11:25:44 AM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Script        : [/SIZE][URL="http://www.highflow.nl/forum/infernoshout.php"][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]http://www.highflow.nl/forum/infernoshout.php[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL]
[SIZE=3]Referrer      : [/SIZE][URL="http://www.highflow.nl/forum/"][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]http://www.highflow.nl/forum/[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL]
[SIZE=3]IP Address    :[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Username      : Niet geregistreerd[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Classname     : vB_Database

How is this possible, the inferno shoutbox is deleted right?
The infernoshout will probaly be a redundant query/code which gives the error
because it's longer installed.

I prefer the PhotoPost file instead of doing it directly in the admin-panel,
to be fail-proof. Unless it's a much easier way to implement it?
16. No, there isn't such a mod. But you can switch to postbit_legacy if you want to, where the all the user info is displayed in a column on the left side of the post's content.

17. If he has a vb forum, and if its okay for you, send him the photopost zipped, OR, as he said he prefers altering the file directly, then send him the product xml file located in forums/admincp/product-ppvbgallery.xml

18. You should not get the error now.
16. Can you post a screenshot of how that would look like?

17. Ok, will sent him the xml file

18. fixed

19. Could you install the arcade games you have on your forum into my forum?
That way I don't have to download each game.
16. fixed
Just keep it this way (the other will make short messages too long)

19. fixed
will let you know

Thank you for all your great work.

Do you know something more that we can do with our forum?
Some usefull or fun stuff.
If you do, please let us know! :)
May I do a request? :)

At this moment, it is not possible to change your thread title.

On other forums I do this at projects to indicate an update so it is easy to see if there is something new on that thread.

Is it possible to make that work or is that impossible with this type of forum?

Can't find the whole thread tools lol.

Normaly i can change it when i press on the edit button of my top message, and then i change the subject name (same as thread title), and when i open the topic where the thread is posted, i can see that the title has changed. But due the fact i can not do that on this type of forum, i have no idea how i should change it :p
He probably ment phpBB.

In vBulletin you either can or can't edit the subject of a thread. And since
we don't want anyone to change everyone's subject except their own this
option is limited to the administrator and moderators.

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