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Site Maintenance Downtime


Hello dear members,

Highflow.nl is undergoing site maintenance currently as a result of which you may face frequent downtimes. The whole process won't last for more than 2-4 hrs and would bring great enhancements ;)

Check back soon and sorry for inconvenience.

Thank you
I got some questions/remarks.
It's easier to post it here, so you can check it more easy.

Here's the list:

We planned the following, which ones or done?
So I can delete it from the "to-do" list :)

Installation of new updates/mods:
VB 3.8.0 RC1 upgrade (from 3.7.3)
ANTI-Spam Bot
vbSEO (purchased)
vBSEO Sitemap
VBSEO Conditional Signature
PhotoPost (purchased)
Reviewpost of Photopost
[AJAX] Post Thank You Hack
[AJAX] Post Groan Hack
Today's Top Poster
Living Avatars - Grow your forum with Living Avatars!
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
Welcome headers - Improve community registration rates
Smilies Box in Quick Reply v1.2.0
Text editor extra function: Line/Stripe through text
Pre-load space for images in topic to prevent auto-scrolling/jumping
vBulletin Blog
vBulletin Project Tools
Sites products and forum integration with Advertisement solution. vBP Universal Advertiser
Advanced forums statistics
vBP Anonymous
Advanced quick replies
Advanced postbit (some plugins)
GTPrivate Message Quick Reply
GTPrivate Message Enhanced Listing
Tinypic Image Upload

Update on the mods we already have:
vBCredits 1.4rc1 (need update)
ibProArcade 2.6.5+ (need update + new games)
ncodeimageresizer_1.0.1 (need update?)
Inferno vBShout Lite (need update?)
tms_1-0-0_eng (need update? )
AME1.2.0 (need update? )
product-remindermail-1.09 (need update?)
Track-guests (need update?)
Who-has-visited (need update?)

1) fixed (partly)
Date & Time in Dutch still not viewed right.
Hope this can be fixed.

2) fixed
Can users create their own "album" in PhotoPost?
If yes, how to do that?

3) fixed
See above, can the default VB photoalbum be turned off?
As we use PhotoPost now.

4) fixed
Forum links are now like this:
HighFlow Product Suggesties en Nieuws - HighFlow Community Forum
The "f17" shouldn't that be the forums name?
Or is this normal?

5) fixed
The smileys is now beneath the "quick reply".
Can you put it to the right?

7) fixed
The reputation power of members is changing in every topic.
Is that normal or is that a bug?

8) fixed
The smiley dropdown list doesn't work correctly, when clicking on "more".
You'll get this:

9) fixed
The "Upload Image to ImageShack", can this option also be visible beneath "Quick Reply"?

10) fixed
When posting a reply on a picture in the gallery, it won't show up.
I searched around and it seems it has to be approved in the admin panel first.
I could not find the option to disable this, so messages are automatically approved.
Do you know where to disable the moderation function for this?
Laatst bewerkt:
8) fixed
The smiley dropdown list doesn't work correctly, when clicking on "more".
You'll get this:


9) fixed
The "Upload Image to ImageShack", can this option also be visible beneath "Quick Reply"?
Laatst bewerkt:
1. After a lot research over this problem, i figured out to the conclusion that is surely a bug in ALL cyb's mods where the time format is rather displayed in any language board other than English. It happens with arabic, french and all. The solution is easy and works BUT the side effect can be seen in English then. One language can be made to run good for now, until the bug is fixed in the next official release.

2. Unfortunately vbgallery does not come with any user album kind of feature. That is where vbulletin albums comes into play.

3. Default vbulletin albums turned off globally.

4. Yes, that is normal. But I have altered the URLs for you and now displaying the titles instead.

5. That would make quick reply even smaller. I have added a Smiley button, this looks much better.
ANTI-Spam Bot - vBulletin is now enough to handle spam problems and recaptcha is good. If you still face some spam problems, let me know.

Reviewpost of Photopost - Where is it?

Living Avatars - Send me the latest zip. btw, this mod is outdated. Most of the people can't get it to run with vb 3.7 onwards.

vBExperience - No need when vbcredits is there.

Welcome headers - This is indeed a nice modification BUT vbulletin has this integrated now since 3.7. Check out Notices in admincp. So, a mod for something that vb already has, makes no meaning. Notices can do everything now.

Text editor extra function: Line/Stripe through text - Added:-

BBCODE: [strike]This is a strikethrough example[/strike]
Output: This is a strikethrough example

Pre-load space for images in topic to prevent auto-scrolling/jumping - No idea about this nor heard of it ever. But will see for sure.

vBulletin Blog - Send me the zip

vBulletin Project Tools - Send me the zip

Sites products and forum integration with Advertisement solution. vBP Universal Advertiser - There's no need of simply any mods/plugins for ad purposes. vBulletin 3.8 has inbuilt Ad Location Templates. Check it out in Style Manager, or let me have your ad codes and I'll put them up.

vBP Anonymous - No idea what it is.

Advanced quick replies - Not compatible with 3.8

Advanced postbit (some plugins) - What is it?

GTPrivate Message Quick Reply - Default feature now since 3.8

GTPrivate Message Enhanced Listing - Incompatible with 3.8

Tinypic Image Upload - Imageshack added

Rest are done.
1) Ah ok, that's a bummer. Let's wait for cyb to bring out an update.

2) Well there actually is :D When you upload a picture into the "Member's Galleries" category, it will automatically create a "subcategory" for that user!
That's really great! :D

3) Yes, we don't need it anymore :)

4) ok thanks

5) That's a good solution!

New question:

10) fixed
When posting a reply on a picture in the gallery, it won't show up.
I searched around and it seems it has to be approved in the admin panel first.
I could not find the option to disable this, so messages are automatically approved.
Do you know where to disable the moderation function for this?
Laatst bewerkt:
2. Oh okay, glad you found that :D

7. Yup, that is normal.

8. It loads PERFECT for me. checked on both langs.

9. Added

10. Disabled moderation. You can do that in vbgallery -> usergroup persmissions -> General Options
8. It loads PERFECT for me. checked on both langs.
The problem only occurs when you press "more" and then wait a few seconds.
The list of smilies suddenly goes/scrolls down and you'll get a blank piece just like in my screenshot. (below te screenshot the smilies are visible).

11. fixed
Thanks for adding Shop to the navbar again.
But could you make the link open in a new window (target="_blank")?

12. fixed
And change the order of the navbar to this:
shop - preferences - Gallery - Videos - Arcade - Community - Kalender - New Posts - Search - Direct Links - Log Out

The FAQ can be deleted, I think nobody reads that :p
Laatst bewerkt:
Navbar rearranged.

8. But I am not able to reproduce the problem. The chatbox works perfect for me, I see no problems with ''More" link. Check out the pic, I can see all the 223 smileys. Ask any member if he can reproduce the problem.


8. fixed
Strange enough, the problem is gone!
Now here it works fine now also.

13. fixed
Could you please delete the ImageShack uploader.
I don't like Imageshack, it's too slow and there BB code is not right.
Also a lot of popups when clicking on their link.

14. fixed (not possible)
Is there maybe a way to put Tinypic.com instead?
Because from what I see, is that the mod just uses an I-frame and put a part of the website in it.
Laatst bewerkt:
yes, its an iframe ofcourse and a free code released by imageshack to promote their services.

But that is the way it works, its one of my must have plugins.

anyways, there is currently no plugin/mod or anything related to tinypic on vbulletin.org.

check this out, a preview:-
Developer - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

don't you think it looks too big and bulky to embed on showthread pages or anywhere else. Imageshack is atleast occupying a lot less space.

alright, damn 5 AM here. its been over 6 hours :120: think i should leave now. Catch ya later. byee

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