H Hyperion Member 13 juni 2012 #681 I loled here ! nice pic Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 2
k.3nny Oldscool. 14 juni 2012 #685 I like these kind of desings! i want to pay the price of copper like that
coolfris Moderator Forumleiding 19 juni 2012 #696 Skinnee already tested that first block: A strange very high pressure drop And a very worse performer: Not recommended :eusa_hand:
Skinnee already tested that first block: A strange very high pressure drop And a very worse performer: Not recommended :eusa_hand:
hesselcandea Professioneel amateur 21 juni 2012 #699 The first one is a nice block, but the text isnt
R Rinneh New member 21 juni 2012 #700 bundymania zei: Let it shine....bling bling Klik om te vergroten... Are these also available for the 670gtx? They look great! What is their website, cant seem to find it.
bundymania zei: Let it shine....bling bling Klik om te vergroten... Are these also available for the 670gtx? They look great! What is their website, cant seem to find it.