Wally1987 spam-meistert 9 januari 2011 #22 Nice job, how will you route the cable`s?? Could you do some close ups of the PSU cover( I like it)
W whuzabi New member 9 januari 2011 #23 the coverplates are done. i dont have used it. it was a very good idea but the paint was doing very bad
the coverplates are done. i dont have used it. it was a very good idea but the paint was doing very bad
W whuzabi New member 9 januari 2011 #24 uhhh big package but take a look at this...most beautiful Soleil
W whuzabi New member 10 januari 2011 #28 yeah so fu** shiny i sell the msi and buied a 2nd normal layout
W whuzabi New member 10 januari 2011 #31 i got some new toy´s..........THX to the Feser Company and some new stuff......THX to freddy who organized this coool stuff
i got some new toy´s..........THX to the Feser Company and some new stuff......THX to freddy who organized this coool stuff
W whuzabi New member 11 januari 2011 #32 wahhhhhhhhhh dont fit he dont reach the GPU core hahaha lets get dirty
brazen New member 12 januari 2011 #35 Looks nice. I wonder what kind of drop you get on the VREGs, if any?
brazen New member 12 januari 2011 #37 Ah, sorry, I meant temperature drop as compared to the original sink.
W whuzabi New member 12 januari 2011 #38 furmark wont work with SLI in at this time. i dont know why this is with the swiftech and gpu only