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Introducing - the ARAGORN-C2Q project



Hi folks! many greetings...

:024: basically I am writing you these lines, as I have been kindly asked by Freddy, to create a build log regarding my system, which as of April, friday 24th, encompasses the brand new TFC Monsta Extreme Radiator (white limited edition).

Yeah. Indeed I count myself lucky to have been able to acquire such a beauty, here at highflow.nl and I feel proud and honoured of having been offered the opportunity to share this with you.

I ask of you, but one thing in advance: as I do not speak a word of Dutch, the preferred working tongue will be English, or German, or Italian, or French, alas!, no Dutch! Sorry. But knowing that you are quite handy and resourceful by nature when it comes to languages I trust, that we will understand each other pretty nicely. (which of course leaves you with the opportunity to have a go at me in your own lingo...but I hope not!)

Now, to business - what is the ARAGORN-C2Q project?

To cut it short I give you the link to my sysprofile.de, where you can find a simple but almost complete revision of my system's specs and its construction status.

Also, I have already started a blog on a German hardware magazine's forum at

Please feel free, to leave your comments and suggestions here or there (German only). Finally, I'd like to add, that this is my first watercooled system ever and I am enjoying the construction/modification/tuning of it every single day!
Thanks for having me! Have fun, enjoy and express yourselves with and on the ARAGORN-C2Q project!

Maybe a slight, but important addition, before everyone will be storming me:

The latest highlight, the TFC Monsta Extreme Radiator (white le), is obviously not yet represented in the above given profiles and specs. Naturally!
I am currently rebuilding the system from scratch and once finished, or at a good point, will start a build log for you here in this forum.

But please be patient for now! I promise, that your patience will be rewarded. Thank you all.
Laatst bewerkt:
Thank you friedric, thanks Freddy for your welcome.

I promise, that I will do my best to not letting you wait too much. Maybe I will just post some pics tomorrow, so that we all might see firsthand, what we are talking about.
Now, working for the media has its advantages and disadvantages, of course...especially in such a highly volatile sector like television broadcasting, and even more so, if the Vatican is envolved!
Why? Cause I am currently stuck here at the studio, and it's raining cats and dogs outside! So, who's to blame? My job, that put me here, or St. Peter? Frankly, I do not know. Of course, it cannot continue like that forever. So eventually I will venture myself into this s#!$%storm outside and try to reach my appartment alive, so that I might fulfill my promise to you...
We'll see! :D

@ward0 thanks for your welcome! I am indeed, determined to create and post a worklog here on highflow.nl - exclusively for you, mind! Please just gimme some time to prepare myself for the task ahead, as my system is, litterary speaking, out of order for the moment being.
But rejoice! There's some light at the end of the tunnel! Today I finally received my first care package from graffitiboxshop.de. As you can see, it's the online store of Writers Corner in Berlin, Germany. Where you can get the best colors and paint and spray and everything on the market! So they say.
I am really quite excited to commence the painting of my case. Though first I'll have to get home someway.
See you later! Bye.*

(*for those who just tuned in, you'll notice, that I am - how to call it? - quite a talkative guy, being Italian and such! But never you mind, we'll get there in the end. :D)
Now, working for the media has its advantages and disadvantages, of course...especially in such a highly volatile sector like television broadcasting, and even more so, if the Vatican is envolved!
Why? Cause I am currently stuck here at the studio, and it's raining cats and dogs outside! So, who's to blame? My job, that put me here, or St. Peter? Frankly, I do not know. Of course, it cannot continue like that forever. So eventually I will venture myself into this s#!$%storm outside and try to reach my appartment alive, so that I might fulfill my promise to you...
We'll see! :D

@ward0 thanks for your welcome! I am indeed, determined to create and post a worklog here on highflow.nl - exclusively for you, mind! Please just gimme some time to prepare myself for the task ahead, as my system is, litterary speaking, out of order for the moment being.
But rejoice! There's some light at the end of the tunnel! Today I finally received my first care package from graffitiboxshop.de. As you can see, it's the online store of Writers Corner in Berlin, Germany. Where you can get the best colors and paint and spray and everything on the market! So they say.
I am really quite excited to commence the painting of my case. Though first I'll have to get home someway.
See you later! Bye.*

(*for those who just tuned in, you'll notice, that I am - how to call it? - quite a talkative guy, being Italian and such! But never you mind, we'll get there in the end. :D)

Looking forward to it :067:
hehe good to hear that you got safe home, i got rain-soaked home :( my GF wanted to go to a pub and it was raining like hell when we left. Also feel free to check out my build log.. if you have any questions regarding the pictures or updates feel free to ask and I'll answer in English.
That's correct. Just came into the office, but I brought my notebook with me...and on it are all those sweet pics :D
If it stays... (never, say never, just got a call)...

where was I? Yeah. Now. Prepare yourselves for loads of pics!!! :D
And please keep in mind, that this is but the introduction and presentation of my project. For a complete build log please go to 'ARAGORN-C2Q meets da Monsta (English build log)' - see signature below.
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