Q: When will the production campaign launch? A: We expect to have it launched towards the end of April. If you've participated in the first campaign, you'll be notified when the production campaign launches.
Q: How much will I have to contribute during the production campaign to get an M1 case? A: $160-$200, plus shipping and fees to your country.
Q: Will I be able to get the final production M1 shipped to Europe/elsewhere? A: Yes.
Q: Will the M1 be available to buy some other way than through participating in the production campaign? A: We have no plans at this time to make the M1 available beyond the crowdfunding campaign.
Q: Can I preorder an M1? A: No. The only way to get an M1 will be through participation in the second crowdfunding campaign.
Q: When will the production campaign launch? A: We expect to have it launched towards the end of April. If you've participated in the first campaign, you'll be notified when the production campaign launches.
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